Introducing Spring Green Coaching for caregivers and anyone seeking health & wellness

Helping caregivers thrive, not just survive

I am a certified health & wellness and life coach specializing in coaching family caregivers. When people prioritize the needs of a family member who is ill or disabled, they often find it challenging to find time for self-care. They also can experience chronic trauma, but the silver lining is an opportunity for accelerated personal growth. I am a family caregiver myself, so I truly get it.

What’s possible?

The joy of caregiving and the ability to see it as an opportunity for personal (and spiritual) growth are available to us when we are ready to stop identifying as a victim or a martyr. What stories are we telling ourselves about our situation? Can we reframe? Can we add a little bit of self-care and then a little more over time, somehow getting more sleep, nutrition, connection, movement, fresh air and sunshine, so that our minds can grasp the possibility of a new perspective on our situation?

Health & wellness for a better life

Although we all desire good health and general wellness and we know something about how to achieve it, we are baffled by how we get in our own way, sabotaging ourselves. Sometimes, the more we think about wellness, the more resistance we feel. Coaching can help us find clarity, motivation, and the ability to improve our health and wellness despite our resistance. Improving health and wellness is foundational to achieving other goals in life. We need enough sleep and good nutrition, to move and get fresh air and sunshine, and connection and community. Let’s talk about how you define wellness and how you’d like to manifest it in your life.